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A member registered Feb 07, 2023

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So, I have been a video game journalist for console games almost 20 years now and a pc technician for longer than that. Finding bugs is what I do for a living, quite literally. I fully understand how it is expected during the development prossess and even shortly after release, so don't sweat it. I am OCD (most techies and programmers are) so, I understand and relate to your feeling of annoyance at missing bugs. But, remember, the upside is you work for yourself and e only deadlines you have are yur own so don't sweat it. You are doing a great job and have a game that is fun, has amazing art, and a pretty decent story that keeps us wanting more and guessing what is happening next. Even if this was not an adult themed game I would still play it just for the art, story, and feel of classic point n clicks like Discworld that this gives off.

TLDR: keep up the great work! LOL

(3 edits)

So, I had missed the door in the hallway. So, thank you for the help there. I may add, I hate the vent and forest parts as on touch screen having to poke each square one at a tme is annoying, especially so when 1/5 of the time it is unresponsive for me. Is there a way you can add an auto-go to like RPG Maker has where if I poke a square it goes to that one. Like a pathing system rather than one at a time?

Security room vent unlocked itself when I entered via the vent and now I get her dialogue telling me not to explore in it that I believe I am supposed to get. So, basically, unscrew panel, leave, enter freeezer, enter vent, exit vent into security room. That fixed it, if that helps at all.

Okay, so all i am missing now is e second scene with Claire. I found her at the restaurant 3 times then she stayed in the freezer. She never did the hide n seek style game i see mentioned on here. Used the cuffs and still have the duct tape on me. Did I miss a trigger?

Anyway, sorry for being a pest. Love the game. And thank you for being so polite when I have undoubtedly annoyed you with my many issues lol When I get paid I will toss ya a little more money as a thank you and apology lol

(6 edits)

Getting rid of Willow is tied to the tree in the forest? Because at the men's bathroom she said go to the men's washroom next. But, I did just try the tree in the forest and poking it does nothing. Neither does using the scanner or lens on it like the other two trees. I never got the path open, and nothing I have seen has given hints unless it was tied to Cadet's scene I am locked out of.

As for Cadet, yeah, I got the scene with her and the tree root via the weed killer (which is still an item in my inventory, not sure if that is also a glitch) and she went to the woman's bathroom. If I check the panel I unscrewed in the men's bathroom, Willow comments about me being a perv and the MC makes a comment about a scene I have yet to see involving Cadet and not hearing me. This happens 100% of the time. I see both you and others said it was supposedly fixed but I just downloaded the game 2 days ago, so after said fix. Just tried a re-install and new download and got the same issue. So, I assume it isn't fully fixed, unfortunately.

Another glitch I can recreate 100% of the time is infinite coins. I discovered if I save then load I get 5 coins when I check the list of hidden ghosts to take photos of. I am currently standing at 50 coins and have bought all 4 outfits from Jeane.

One last thing that may be a glitch... I unscrewed the vent in the security office whilst Monique was out and when she returned it became screwed back in and she prevents me from unscrewing it again.

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Game is awesome. Love the art style. However, I think I am locked out of any further progress on android. Have willow with me. In men's room she said go to men's washroom next (i assume that is currently a patreon update accessed area). Also, just got Cadet into the female bathroom and because Willow is with me I cannot examine the plate for the Cadet scene or whatever because Willow talks instead. 

Talking to Monique after a second massage with Rex brings up an image of Rex and then crashes the game after dialogue with Monique finishes. 

Rex can be seen via the lens standing beside the left computer (the one with the thank you credits) as if she were a ghost when e is not there otherwise, btw.

 And patreon is the only way to get the full game? Purchasing from itch doesn't help, but will eventually get the patreon updates, right? I only ask because the wording of "feel free to try our demo or get the latest version by becoming a subscriber" is kind of misleading if the itch dl gets updated and is not a demo.

no enter or Z on android, just tapping screen controls. I beat the game very fast but it wasn't very impressive. Everything as far as gear was useless and made me feel like exploration was just a waste of time. The cave was so annoying I almost gave up 3 times from boredom. Like I said, the game has a lot of ability to be good but as it stands now it is mediocre, imo. And the fact she loses her tale during H-scenes bothered my OCD greatly lol.

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Android version doesn't fit right and gets cut off on both sides even with fullscreen disabled. Also, a HUGE ISSUE with combat that needs patching: if you load a save it remembers all movement, hp, and durability lost. For example, Jewel died in the VR fight because the character moved to a place I did not tell hetoo (also a common issue, usually 1-2 blocks from where is shown). I reloaded and she had 0 HP and no ability to move or act at the start of the fght. So, I reloadee to the tentacle machine autosave. Jewel began nude since her outfit was torn upon death. Jenna's ability was on cooldown at the start of the fight from the last time I used it when Jewel died as well. I was able to recreate these issues 100% of the time.

Despite that, I am pretty far into the game and would have loved to purchase the full game to access all outfits and such. Shame there is no paid android version. :(

Oangcc Android 13  model A15_US. 

Holy crap am I grateful for the demo as this game has severe graphical errors on my new android tablet! any background or object like text or rope or even the main character has the graphics stay on the screen.I tried both the no URP and regular demos. Got as far as the black dark mine then gave up.

It did not open until I collected 9, jsyk

Even with touch UI activated I still cannot. In fact, i beat the entire game using touch UI as that is my only means to play via my tablet.

(4 edits)

Not a bad little game. Short with a lot of room for additions like outfits and such. Only found one accessory that helped (but not really) and like 5 that were cursed. Wish I could speed up repeated H scenes. Having to sit through sex scenes made me just close the game and load a previous save. Also, you cannot sell anything on android as when you choose the item the "x 1" blinks but does not bring up a keyboard or any way of changing the amount to sell. It literally does not recognize button presses other than backing out. Saw you say turn on touch UI. I had that on since the start; only way I can play on my tablet since I cannot find a compable controller or anything. That being said, prepare to play the entire game nude and armorless and collect at least one promissary note at the end. 

Couldn't find any way to boost stats like max AP or AP regen. All I found was the ribbon that was pretty useless (hp regen when it regens pretty fast already). Having a stat system with only negative debuff gear makes the stat system as well as gear system kinda lame, IMO. Should at least let unworn accessories be turned from negative stats to positive through the use of curse curing items as I never needed those either because why would i wear an item that, for example, makes my AP always 0? If I wanted to see the sex scenes i could simply turn her back to her enemy and not attack.

So, the best my boss (a former technician for Microsoft) and I could guess is it is an issue with RAM. Considering it is tied to both loading resources as well as only on low-end devices. Add to it how fast you banged out a work-around, it sounds like my device doesn't have the right amount of RAM. Typically, if something needs, say, 6GB of RAM for example, it may use, say, 5.4 of it and then when it tries to load in other things it draws from what is left over. I assume because it had to load in new coding for rules of the minigame at was the issue. Like you said, not extensive logic blocks, animations, or anything, but a different type of logic for the minigame's rules.

The surgery got rescheduled. I have a cyst on my head.  Was supposed to be a quick in-and-out without an operating room but they need an operating room now because the last doctor to look at it made it worse.

You sure it is a 50% chance? Because if so I am super lucky. Out of the last 12 encounters only once did I have to do any actions. Lol

And yeah, I fully agree with your confusion. I have been a pc technician for many years and am used to recreating errors and such to find back doors by an issue. I tried exiting the minigame, talking to different NPCs, wearing different gear, and such. Was thinking it was a coding issue where specific events triggered the lock-up as often times that is the case.  Once you pointed out it was a hardware issue I was like "okay, so RPG Maker has an issue with my tablet. Interesting...". 

Let me look into it a bit for ya and see if I can figure anything out.  I have to go in for surgery today so it may be a couple of days before I get any solid results.

Everything said here is 100% accurate. Especially the food consumption. I would also add instead of a RNG having a static map would be nice. Like having to memorize the stream is east 4 times and north twice, for example. Also, f the panthers. They are too OP with the already OP snakes which, i may add, i stepped on 3 in a row.

Game would be great if food/water consumption were not higher than my 7 item carry weight. Day 16 and still yet to find whatever item is needed to train STR and my food and water both lower each day more than i can bring back.  If i am at 9 on both and take 4 bottles and 3 food back, convert them then sleep, i wake at like 4 water and 7 food. Even then, i doubt if i had the item to increase STR i could increase it enough to utilize it before dying. F trying to train the girls. If i train in the morning then i have no time to draw water from the lake. Game needs SERIOUS balance issues resolved.

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lol i did say my tablet was poor quality. PoS tablet. Thanks for your hasty fixes,btw. Loving the game. Wish Sexploration had an android port. This and Yorna are both great so far.

Oh! Also! I keep forgetting to tell you that bunny momma is broken. After your first victory against her, each battle afterward is instantly won without choosing anything. She says her opening dialogue and then the battle is won.

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Cool, ty for looking into it. And to answer your question, I am on a very new brand android tablet that is inexpensive and probably poor quality. Lol One of those budget brand ones for $100 off Amazon. 

Update: Did the tutorial and it froze loading the full shift. Also, looked into my model of android tablet and it is an A15_US

Glad I could help. I look forward to seeing the outcome in the future!

Game keeps freezing on the loading screen trying to load the tutorial of me being a waiter. Can't progress any further. I assume there isn't much I am missing anyhow as I have 20/21 gallery and 11/11 girls. Pretty good game thus far. Love the art and that each girl is not insanely busty like most H games. 

 Other than that my only issue is my own fault where I keep tapping attack when trying to do the lewd-only monsters because the attack is so close to the lewd button. Lol

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It desperately needs an update lol. I mean, you have severe glitches that force restarting via a new file, game crashes that bring up the grey screen of error codes, and a tentacle monster that clearly states it will have a sex scene "in a future update".

That being said, I enjoy Eros a LOT more than RQ and can see how well you have improved coming from RQ to Wind to Eros. So, keep up the good work!  

(5 edits)

Game is finished but needs updates for game-breaking glitches. For example, i went into dungeon 1 without potions. First enemy died in 2 hits, second in 3, third in 4. Raven mentions them getting stronger. Boss shows up and kills me. Now every time i enter i cannot win even with potions because every enemy has the boss' stats and HP and each gets stronger. Any losses restarts the dungeon but the stats carry over so enemy 1 will have 8 hits to die, for example (with my earth at 4). Tried to load my last save but all autosaves it made were in my last attempt and i had saved over my manual save farming potion materials. So, i decided to see if running would fix the issue and reset the coding. Running causes the game to crash page and then clicking anything on the crash log closes the game out, so I had to restart fresh.

Sometimes menus just disappear completely so I cannot navigate off the area i am on (this primarily happens at Ashon Plains. I can enter the ranch and then leave to fix it but otherwise I have no way to move to another area as the buttons for Tale and Ashon City vanish.

Tentacle monster states it will have sex scenes in future updates when you try to boff it.

Several other tiny issues here and there as well. Game could def do with a QoL update so you can see requirements to wear (or undress) clothing as well as his of where outfit parts are gotten. Especially the cat outfit.

I would say a simple gif would be your safest bet as well as easiest. They are super small files if done right and easy to make. (Made this animated avatar in 2003. It is 3 frames, nothing more). You pretty much have the art already there, just need to loop the two frames to make them animate for things like BJs and whatnot. :)

Aerith I agree with 100%. She is better than Tifa by far, IMHO.

This game is great! Here's hoping Morrigan or Felicia from Darkstalkers get added.

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Yep, exactly as you said. Purchase her and then pressing "select" does nothing. Have to choose a different female to play. Then she becomes locked for 1K purchase again, but her level goes up. 

I assume this is a dead project and will never be fixed considering it has been an issue for 2+ years.

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Game seems like it may be pretty good if it were playable. That isn't sarcasm, btw. I genuinely liked the hidden perversion raising concept. Unfortunately, on android the graphics are almost non-existent and only flicker into view when moving. Super epilepsy warning for anyone who suffers it.

 Also, the dialogue is severely in need of editing. 

I only made it to outside the jail before giving up due to the horrible flickering graphics. If that gets patched I'd love to try it again.

IIRC, I wanna say try going for a walk on your grandfather's land. 

(2 edits)

Lmao Right? I haven't played this game since the retraining institute update and I come back to see the same questions being asked when I first played over a year ago. 

@Arcadean: I am glad to see the game is still here and available via itch. I finally knocked my bank debt down enough to keep my word and throw some money your way to officially purchase it. I was afraid after your post about patreon that you may not be on itch either.

This has been happening to me very often with all games on my tablet. I just wait and try again in like 5 minutes and eventually it works.

I really am enjoying the game and am eagerly awaiting the next update. I saw your post about the low budget, but any plans to animate any of the scenes like a looping gif style or anything?

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Can't leave the first room on android tablet. It brings up silhouetted characters and there is nothing else. Can't back out or anything. I tried uninstalling, clearing all data, and re-installing only to get the same result.

Update: third try uninstalling then reinstalling, the door finally worked, but the controls became inactive again not long thereafter. I give up.

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I am not the dev, just another fan of the game. But yeah, if you scroll to the top on this page under the images you can see the next release dates for patreon and non-patreon members respectively. :)

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The dev log says public release for next update will be the 12th. Patreon members got it athe end of last month. 

As for the work bottomless, there are hints to answer that question ;). I can't wait for 12th!

I should add that it appears you will have to start a new game when the update hits as it appears the update had backwards compatibility issues this time around. Familiarize yourself with the cheat chicken behind the bar if you haven't already. 

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This game is so awesome. I didn't think I would like it but ended up loving it enough to literally play it nonstop over 12 hours. I can't wait to see the updates. *crosses fingers for scenes with Annica and Amynda*

Also, congrats on being my first ever donation to anything online. After advancing as far as the free public update would let me, I had to toss you some money. I would join your patreon but I never made an account because I do not trust myself to remember to cancel the subscription ever lol 

Keep up the great work! I can see so many ways to make this game even greater and you have already done an exceptional job as is!

*edited for typos*

Why the hell does it want access to my files, photos, and video in my android to even open it? Super suspicious...

Android download via a new tablet I bought last month. 

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Can't figure out wtf to do. Everything is locked and whipping her makes her cry but doesn't bring up the tentacle meter. Her health stays full. Feeding her, letting her sleep, or bathing her all don't change anything. I waited a full day and no change. How the hell do you play this thing, or is mine just broken?

Update: Mine was broken. I just started it for the fourth time and now I can access games and everything is working. 

I don't know who downvoted you but yeah, the exact same thing happened to me. I didn't even see your post until just now, after having been fired on day 12. But yeah, I chose new game and skipped the rename part thinking I'd try the demo over again being nasty instead of professional this time and I was on day 2 but with the default name rather than my previous one.

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Can't progress passed the opening unless I choose to skip it entirely. Clicking the line about being devastated does nothing. Tried a complete uninstall and re-install and same thing.

Update: Upon ending day 1 it said demo over (installed the free version, btw). I chose new game and it gave me a warning progress would be deleted. I chose "okay" and it began day 2. Made it to day 12.

Great casual game. Not a fan of the inconsistency of decisions, however, (I.E. women I turned down coming back acting as if I propositioned / F-ed them) as it made choices hard when "tell the truth" options are implying I had done suggestive things that I didn't do and it effects the story so severely, such as with one major character that keeps coming back acting as if we did things.

Doesn't currently work, JSYK. Those were all I was missing as well and I did what you posted and the only option given to me now is to summon the character I defeated in combat. 

Also, while we're discussing issues with the current update... where's the best place to post those for future ref? Discord channel I'm assuming? because ATM I noticed that the quick menu keeps disabling itself. If I click back it disables. if the screen changes from room to room or sleeping it disables. minimizing the window also disables it lol It's afraid of me! It keeps hiding!

One last thing, I like the combat system but is there be a way to grind? I lost my first battle using the MC and had to flee... came back using Chloe as the front and she whooped so much harder. Won in 2-3 turns both fights. So, I definitely need a way to grind considering I noticed only the frontliner gets the exp and if we get skills having the MC as support that will definitely gimp exp gain.